Lawn Care SEO in Utah

Many lawn service businesses have all the elements of a digital marketing strategy.  A website, a google business page, facebook page, and a great business to market.  However, they often don’t know the first thing about getting it to actually work for them.  Tell Me Your Goal developed Lawn Care SEO in Utah and beyond that helped 100’s of lawn service businesses. Tell Me Your Goal can also help you connect all the dots and get the leads rolling in.

Don't know where to start?

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is how google or other search engines find your business online.  Because lawn care businesses typically service local areas near the business headquarters, Local SEO is very important.  Local  SEO for lawn care businesses is a targeted strategy that enhances your online visibility within the communities you serve.

Targeted local SEO limits who competes for keywords to those businesses that are similar to yours.  Our SEO for lawn care in Utah and beyond tilts things in our favor and allows us to study their strategies and go to work getting your website to rank #1 (above your competition).  

Local lawn care SEO  in Utah and beyond has many facets, requires competitor research, keyword research, a content strategy, backlinks, and more.  This is not easy to do yourself and to run your business at the same time.  Because we focus our strategies on ROI we make sure that your spend is returned by the business you get a as a result, we do our best to pay for ourselves.

Tell Me Your Goal offers a free consultation.  Reach out and we’ll do a preliminary review and go over the results with you.  What do you have to lose?

Lawn Care SEO in Utah
SEO For Hair Salons in Utah, SEO For Lawyers in Utah. Lawn Care SEO in Utah, water delivery SEM in Utah
water delivery SEM in Utah

Focus on Return on Investment

Our “Focus on Return on Investment” approach ensures every marketing dollar you invest works to maximize your gains.

When it comes to our lawn care SEO in Utah, we strive to provide a high return on investment (ROI) by driving increased traffic, and more importantly, qualified leads to your website. Every strategy we implement is carefully analyzed and measured based on its ability to generate profits over the cost.

Tell Me Your Goal is committed to create a well-optimized, revenue-generating platform, rather than just focusing on the rankings. With a comprehensive understanding of SEO analytics, we continually refine your marketing strategy to improve the ROI. By investing in our services, you’re not just buying a one-off solution, but a long-term marketing partnership committed to your financial growth.

Our Services

Website Design

We understand that a stunning website design not only represents your brand and creates a first impression, but its also a marketing tool to help your customers discover you online. Tell Me Your Goal website experts look at all the angles to make sure your website is visually stunning, fast, optimized for SEO, easy to navigate, and ensures that visitors to your website become your next customers.

  • WordPress Based
  • Elementor Pro
  • Yoast SEO
  • Professionally Designed
  • Google Analytics Setup
  • Google Search Console Setup
  • SEO Optimized
  • Lighthouse Score Optimized
  • Content/Copy Included


Search Engine Optimization is not a one size fits all approach. We do the research and understand your business and your competition. We handle everything SEO related end-to-end to get you ranking for the keywords that your customers are searching for, locally, and nationally. We understand the value of SEO as a long term investment into a consistent, organic, lead pipeline.

  • Keyword Research
  • Competitor Research
  • Local SEO
  • Business Profile Setup/Optimization
  • Website Speed Optimizations
  • Content Creation
  • Link Building
  • Ongoing Monitoring & Refinement

Mobile App Development

We’re not just a mobile app development team – we’re a product building machine. We go end-to-end, from idea all the way to app store. We build for iOS & Android with one codebase using the industry standard framework React Native. Our product and design team will blow your mind with a UI/UX that will leave your competition in the dust. We build custom mobile apps that you’ll be proud to have represent your brand.

  • iOS/Android Development
  • Product Management
  • UI/UX Design
  • React Native Development
  • Automated Build & App Store Deployment
  • Service & API Integrations

Paid Advertising

Get professionally built ad campaigns that make every dollar of your budget count. We work hard to understand your ideal customers and create customer journey that drives higher conversion rates and improves your ROI.
  • Customer Journeys
  • Conversion Monitoring
  • A/B Testing
  • Campaign Setup/Optimization
  • Keyword Research
  • Manage/Optimize Budgets

Social Media Marketing

Our social media marketing service is setup to allow you to focus on servicing customers while we help you tell the world about it. We create a comprehensive social media strategy with you that represents your brand and your community. We grow your followers and engagement and help let everyone know who you are and what you’re about.

  • Follower Growth
  • Scheduled Posting
  • Campaign Optimization
  • Multiple Platforms

Why Lawn Service Businesses Trust Us to Grow Their Business

We’ve helped 100’s of lawn service businesses transform their marketing strategy into lead generating machines.  Get your free SEO report and get started transforming your business!

Specialized Experience

Our clients view us as their marketing department or extension of their marketing department.

Proven Results

We already drove results for similar companies like yours. We won’t have to reinvent the wheel and we’ll know exactly what to do to drive ROI for you.

Higher Value

We produce bigger, better, and more effective results than an internal team or competing generalist firm or agency.

Fast Ramp Up

Our service pays for itself and demonstrates results within 90 days of working together, which is significantly faster than new in-house hires.

Get your free SEO report and we'll review it with you